Long after the Civil War ended, statues were erected memorializing the Confederacy. For example, here at the Loudoun County Courthouse a Confederate Solider stands guard, of what exactly? What heritage does he represent that would somehow reflect America's culture and aspirations of today's society? Erected in 1908, forty three years after the Civil War and one hundred and twelve years later, he still stands there as a reminder.

As a reminder of what exactly, Treason, Rebellion, White Supremacy, the desire to continue to oppress people of color?
A campaign was pushed by Chair Supervisor Randall about five years ago and to her dismay was not fulfilled. The talk even reached the local news and yet nothing happened. I am sure if a statue of a Nazi German solider was even thought to be placed in front of a place of law and order the discussion would have not even taken place. Can you imagine anywhere in the world that would be allowed? Yet there he stands day after day. Can you imagine a person of color having their case taken on here and having to walk by this heinous reminder of their history? Would they for one second believe they will receive equal justice under the law with such a blatant image greeting them before entering this building? How could they?
Here he is getting a proper cleaning to help preserve his stature.

There is no valid explanation for this grotesque display nor is there any for the sheer audacity to request him to remain. Perhaps a statue erected of Osama Bin Laden standing 16 feet tall in front of the World Trade Center memorial would be acceptable? It, along with the many others that remain today, must go. Just as this alpha, egotistical, irrational, arrogant, ignorant mindset behavior pattern of racism must finally be put to rest. Perhaps last year's recently appointed Loudoun County Commonwealth Attorney Buta Biberaj and Chair Supervisor Randall can finally end this atrocity reflected on Loudoun County's people of color.
What about a statue to the Loudoun Rangers instead? They fought for the Union as did many citizens from the northern part of the county. Loudoun initially opposed secession, sending two representatives to the state convention to argue against secession.
What about a statue to the Loudoun Rangers instead? They fought for the Union as did many citizens from the northern part of the county. Loudoun initially opposed secession, sending two representatives to the state convention to argue against secession.
It’s time to clean America!!! Take down the Confederate Soldier in the Court Yard Square. That is not a place it should be standing erect brandishing a gun. A Way with Salvery…
I hate it, I was born & raised in Lucketts/ Leesburg , VA, As children we always thought he was going to shoot us..I hope it comes down..the rest of those of tye Statue’s have been taken down..
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